
How much does a gallon of gas cost in countries with free healthcare (Canada, UK, France)?

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I heard they are very, very high but how much are they compared to America




  1. I think your question assumes causation just because of correlation.  There are countries that have free healthcare and very low gas prices such as Seychelles (in Africa - 98 cents/gal.) and there are countries without free health care where gas is ridiculously high such as Eritrea (close to 10/gal.)...

    So while there is some correlation, and yes probably some of the gas taxes in those European countries are used for health care, at least the people in those countries realize some benefit from their higher gas prices (e.g., bridges that don't collapse, a health care system that works, etc.).  But the main reason for high gas prices is speculation by investors as well as the fact that we are asking for more than is available.

  2. I spoke with a friend in Wales, UK this morning and she told me a liter costs 1 pound and 20 pence.

  3. yay for non sequiturs!

  4. Don't know about gasoline, but diesel in Canada is 2.35 USD a liter(8.81 USD a gal.) and it's 2.40 a liter(9 a gal.) in the UK.

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