
How much does a goldfish grow..and how do they breed?

by  |  earlier

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i have 1 and i want to know ..plz help




  1. ok well firstly they get pretty big, i know the exact measurement, but maybe about 5-8 inches depending on the breed of Goldfish and space. You should defiantly NOT put them in a bowl, these are so bad for Goldfish. If your Goldfish is small get him a 5 gallon tank. There pretty cheap if you look in the right places. Also get him a air pump and another goldfish. Goldfish are very social, and will be pretty stressed without a friend. So make sure that you get another one about his size. As for breeding, Ive never been able to breed them, but then again I never really tried. I think its roughly hard. You should research on that. Also condition their water after washing their tanks. Thanks hope this helps.

    [And make sure you decorate the tank with rocks, plants, and maybe even a fish house. You don't want them bored, just make sure nothing can scratch them. Or hurt them.

    Good Luck! =]

  2. ~Comet and common goldfish can reach a foot in length and really shouldn't be kept in tanks. Fancy goldfish usually reach 6-8 inches, and should be kept in nothing less than a twenty gallon tank.

    ~Goldfish will not usually breed in tanks. These fish need plenty of space. It doesn't help that telling males from females is very difficult.

  3. A common goldfish will grow to be easily a foot long. For one fish, you would need at least a 40+ gallon tank. These include feeder goldfish, sarasas, comets etc..

    A fancy goldfish will get around 6" - 8" long. You need 20 gallons for one of these. They include fantails, veiltails, lion heads, orandas and black moors.

    The fancy goldfish reach breeding age at around 3 years [or so I've read]. My three fancies are around 3" long and are spawning currently. You need a male and female to breed [obviously]. They can only be told apart once they hit breeding age. Males develop breeding tubercles or "breeding stars" on their gill covers. They look sort of like Ich but it's only on their gill covers. Females don't normally have these. A male's "butt" or the opening by the anal fin will be concave [meaning flat against the body or it curves into the body] and a female's will be convex [meaning it curves away from the body or protrudes slightly]. Females are also larger, and when full of eggs or "roe" their bellies swell up. Looking at a female from the top would show that she wasn't symmetrical. One side of her belly should be bigger than the other, this isn't true with males.

    They'll spawn on their own, normally at dawn and it's often started by temperature changes signaling "spring" to them. They do need a place to lay eggs if you want to keep the baby goldfish. Parents and other tank mates will eat the eggs before they have a chance to hatch, if they do hatch, chances are good that they will eat the fry too. Get some java moss for them to lay eggs in, it protects the eggs and the fry from the bigger fish. Or, you can make an artificial spawning mop out of yarn. Use yahoo and search for "spawning mops" there are hundreds of websites telling you how to make them.

  4. the size your goldfish could potentially get depends on the size of the tank its in and how many other fish are in with it.  If you put a goldfish in a swimming pool it would get pretty large.  but if you keep it in a 10 gallon aquarium its not going to get more than a couple inches long depending on how many other fish are in with it.  

    Goldfish only breed during certain seasons.

    that site should give you a good amount of info on the breeding seasons etc.

    i hope this helps!

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