
How much does a good server get paid??

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I want to work at Olive Garden. How much does a good server server get paid there on average? Any ideas?

(Hourly + tips)





  1. "Good servers" don't work at Olive Garden. "Food handlers" do. If you want to learn the business and make $50 - $80 at lunch, $100 + weekdays, and $150-250 weekends go to an independent fine dining restaurant and learn the business from the ground up. (You will need to be trained for however long it takes, but if you do well you will make very good money.

    Olive Garden may hire you without experience, but a fine dining place probably will never hire you if you have worked for Olive Garden. Too many bad habits to break.

    Trust me.

  2. I must agree with branden-de-la-man he seems experienced. But I would have to add that it not only depends on your motivational level, but also on how busy the restaurant is. So, if you choose to work on busier days, for example,  Friday/ Saturday, you'd make more in tips than on a Tuesday. Holidays are also pretty busy.

  3. they probley get paid at 5.40 an hour. and with tips they make 100-120  dollars maybe if its busy.

  4. I'll be glad to answer your question but I am going to change the wording a little. How much does a good server at Olive garden (or similar concept) EARN per hour ? It is based on their motivation level. The more motivated they are the more knowledgable they will become (familiarity with the menu and wine menu) and the more tips they will earn. Another motivational factor is how organized and aggressive they are - the stronger servers will be able to handle more tables at at time and thus increase their sales thus increasing their overall income. A GOOD server will make on average $20 per hour after tipping out their support staff (bartenders, food runners, and bus staff). BTW - I used to average $23-25 per hour. I wa$ motivated.

  5. it depends on the tips

  6. Hourly rates vary by state (MN pays minimum wage, CO pays between $3-$4 per hour).  As for tips, a good server should be able to consistently pull in about 20-25% of sales.  I would check into though how long the training program is and how long before you would be in a full section on your own.  Some companies have really long and intense training programs or even have you start as a host for a month or more.  Over all, depending on the city and location, you should be able to average (between lunches, dinners, week nights, and weekends) at least $100 per shift.  Get good at selling bottles of wine and that will go up quite a bit.  Good luck!

  7. my cousin works there but all i know is if your good you get paid about 100 bucks from tips on weekends

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