
How much does a hollywood camera man earn?

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do you need special training for operating a camera or is just like you can hire anyone?




  1. Union scale for a camera operator varies a bit. In the East coast it's a bit more due to higher living expences. In Los Angeles where I operate the basic scale is around $50.00 per hour. based on a 12 hour day with 4 hours of overtime. Amounting to 6-$700-.per day. As a speciality operator like Steadicam it changes again. The general rate for a seasoned steadicam op is $1200.-$1600.00 for 10 hours work. Commercials, music videos and television all have different day rates. Many times it's a deal between the unit manager and the labor to forge a deal. It's a great job with lots of fun shots. The formats are changing in the industry now with HD and Red Cam, Viper, Genisis so you still need to be on top of the new tools. I love film but the days of film are rapidly getting fewer very quickly. You need to be in shape and have a basic knowledge of quick composition in the face of sometimes extreame pressure and danger as well. You have to love it. I do. Good luck!  

  2. Not just anyone can be hired as a cameraman. The profession demands a certain level of skill and training, although some people aree naturals with a camera and others can't hope to learn how to set up a shot. The number of hours that an individual works determines how much they earn, so cameramen who work steadily earn more money than those who don't. There probably is a yearly average salary for cameramen posted somewhere, but mean average often doesn't really indicate much in an environment where ten per cent of the people in a trade make ninety per cent of the available wages.

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