
How much does a leopard gecko cost at a petco????? also a tokay gecko and crocodile gecko?

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How much does a leopard gecko cost at a petco????? also a tokay gecko and crocodile gecko?




  1. leos are about 30 bucks tokays are 16, and having worked at petco i can say that i took care of the reptiles there. just make sure the cages look clean, pets are healthy, and people seem educated.

  2. What an animal costs at the store does not represent how much its care costs over its whole life. Vet bills, food and proper habitats are expensive and lots of work to keep up. Research how to care for them before buying, at

    Petco animals are not usually well cared for at all. Try to find a pet that is a rescue or bred in captivity. Look for your local herp club.

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