
How much does a lip ring or snake bites hurt?

by Guest58674  |  earlier

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Well i want either a lip piercing or snake bites. Im 15 years old and i have wanted one for a while now..But, I'm a little worried on how much pain i can take and how much pain there actually is. I know i can handle some pain, i have had 2 foot surgeries and didn't really use the pain meds. Another thing id like to know is about how long do u have to keep the piercing in before u can take it out? yeah, if you have any other information regarding the piercing process that you'd like to share please do. And please..none of the "that would look stupid c**p" its my own choice...not urs....its my body...not urs...




  1. To tell you the truth... they don't hurt at all.

    well, depending on how much pain you can stand.

    what really does hurt is getting your sec tum pierced.

    ouch. i've done it and it hurt like a *****.

  2. Since you are only 15, you are NOT YET AN ADULT and it is the responsibility of your parents or an adult caregiver to tell you that body piercings at your age ARE stupid and potentially hazardous to your health. They are UGLY.

  3. It will probably be pretty painful for a week. The lip is a very sensitive area.  Don't touch it or play with it while it is healing, just rinse it regularly in saline solution (ask how to do this at the piercing salon). It should be healed completely in a couple of months.  

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