
How much does a local amateur mma fighter get paid per fight?

by  |  earlier

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I am about to get into MMA fighting in Colorado Springs, and was told pay is decent. But from reading posts on the net i am now unsure. If anyone has info, it would be much appreciated!




  1. Amateur's don't typically get paid. The promoter sometimes pays for your food, gas, and maybe a hotel stay depending on how far your traveling. If your looking to fight, try  

  2. I think that depends on who's hosting it, how good you are, if you win etc. If you get invited they should give you all this info beforehand.

  3. LOL

    You are going get hit so hard...

  4. between 200 and 1000 for your first fight i couldn't imagine you would make more than 1000 for a first fight 1000 is not really a amount a normal fighter would get the only reason i said 1000 is because i know someone who made that in their debut but as a normal fighter expect 2 or 3 hundred  whoa you said amateur they dont get paid anything they fight just for experence

  5. not much.

  6. it depends on the card you'll be fighting for. they always have someone new, and if its a good fight card, they'll pay good, and even better depending on how well you fought. sometimes, they will only pay you a bonus of about 900.

    if you get higher in the whole MMA thing, they'll start paying you better. top fighters could get a mil for 1 fight.  

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