
How much does a navy or air force fighter pilot get paid?

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How much does a navy or air force fighter pilot get paid?




  1. The pay depends on the rank and length of service, ranging from over $2000/month for a 2nd Lieutenant with less than 2 years of service, to over $6000/month for a Colonel with over 10 years of service.

    This site also gives a general idea about different types of pilots compensation, military and non-military:

  2. Here's a link to the Defense Accounting Service (DFAS).  This is a 2008 pay chart for all pay grades in the military.

    Assuming that the individual is not prior enlisted because his years of service would be much more.  I've included the likely time in service for each pay grade. Navy/Coast Guard ranks are in paranthesis

    O-1 2ndLt (Ensign) years: 0-2 years of service

    O-2 1stLt (Ltj.g.)      years: 2-5 "

    O-3 Captain (LT)     years: 5-10 "

    O-4 Major (LCDR)  years: 10-15 "

    O-5 LtCol (CDR)     years: 15-20 "

    O-6 Col (Capt)         years: 20-25 "

    O-7 BGEN who cares, you probably aren't flying anyway.

    Now if you scroll down the chart you will find the flight pay or Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP).  This is variable to years in service.  It starts at $125/month and gets as high as $840/month.  Of note, if you stay flying after 22 years in service your ACIP goes down.  

    A young hard charging O-3 Captain with over 4 years of service (this is about the time that a fighter pilot has completed all his training and is now in a squadron +/- 1 year)

    $4545.60/month plus $206/month ACIP

    We haven't even discussed Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) which varies by state or country but can equate to another $1500-3000/month.  

    Army is a little bit different because the can have Warrant Officers flying WO-1 to WO-5. There pay is a little less but not their skill.

    That should give you a rough ball park.  These charts are pay for everything the military pays for so it is great reference material.  It is important to note the times in service that I listed with each pay grade.  The previous answer, although quite good is off because you will never find a COL paid at over 10 years of service.  

    I hope that helps.

  3. $500-$800

  4. I would pay to do it. Just give me food, clothes, and a shack to live in.

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