
How much does a one year old cost?

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To get into a Movie Theater I want to go see Batman but my Dad said only if the baby is free or a cheap price. Will choose a best answer.;




  1. It would be free.

    When my son was 6 months old or so my friends mother convinced me to go to the movies with them to see National Treasure (against my better judgement I said ok). She said, "oh there will be a lot of us to help with him if he gets fussy". So, I went. Big Mistake. I was in the isle in the very back almost out the door the entire movie rocking him to sleep. I haven't been to a movie with him since. Now that my son is one and running around there is no way I would take him to a movie. I would recommend getting a babysitter. Maybe your dad.


  3. I  would imagine the baby would be free because he/she would only sit on someone's lap and not take up a seat.

  4. I would think you would have to purchase a child's ticket.  However, you won't be seeing much of the movie with a one year old.  Personally, I wouldn't let a child that young see images like a movie theater can be scary to a child that age because it is dark AND loud.

  5. I do believe it would be free...but Im not sure I would take a one year old to batman!

  6. I saw batman this weekend and would NOT recommend taking a one year old to it.  It was a very well made movie that I was creeped out by.  I don't imagine a one year old would do well in a dark, loud theater with a creepy movie playing. Just my thoughts...

  7. Quite personally, unless the movie theater has mommy and me days, where they keep the lights on and changing stations in the theater as well as lower the sound of the movie, I wouldn't take my kids to the theater at a young age.  I wouldn't want to damage his hearing and I wouldn't want to give my child reasons for nightmares.

  8. Actully children under 2 are free but call the theater to know for sure. Also taking a baby to that movie probly wont be a good idea. Unless you know the baby will be able to stay quite and not complain. a year ago i tried taking my daughter who was 10 months at the time to harry potter during the day and i got to watch a half hour before she started acting up. I left because i wont let my child ruin the movie for others by making so much noise. Good luck

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