
How much does a pro caddie earn if he carries for a winning golfer? i.e. what amount is split with the golfer?

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How much does a pro caddie earn if he carries for a winning golfer? i.e. what amount is split with the golfer? If a golfer wins $1million in a tourny, what amount does the golfer keep (after taxes and after caddie paid?)




  1. I know a few caddies and have been told it is 13% some higher some lower, but never by much. It all depends on thier relationship I guess. However 13% is standard

    As for what the golfer keeps for himself. Well a lot of golfers have a lot of other professionals to pay. They have to pay their coach, sports physiologist, list goes on. All depends on what the golfer has arranged with these people also.

  2. Depends on the contracted agreed percentage that the player and caddie sign too...

    I hear it goes up to 15% for some and others it is at 11% and 12%...

    Nice payday if your guy wins...I guess Steve Williams (Tigers caddie) will have some vacation time this year to spend his millions. He would place on the top 50 golfers prize money list as a caddie if they did such a thing....LOL

  3. negotiable/10% of tour prize

  4. Hi, as mentioned it is typically 10-15% of the prize money, with a  weekly salary of $500 to cover expenses etc. If you caddy for a world top 75 player you will make a very nice income. However, if your player is on the mini tours and is not making many cuts you might want to sweet talk the bank manager to extend that overdraft! If you want to caddy, it would be a wise move to take the week off and go to the NZ Open or the NZ PGA. American players are always looking for Kiwi Caddies. - New Zealands website for Golf Information.

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