
How much does a psychologist earn ? ( research and social)?

by Guest57953  |  earlier

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How much does a psychologist earn ? ( research and social)?




  1. not sure but it usually runs fro 100 to 200 dollars an hr to talk to one.

  2. Psychologist can earn from about $40,000 entry level and above. But I think if I had to spend the amount of time it takes in school to become a psychologist, I'd rather had made a choice of something that makes more money. A psychologist must have a doctorate degree, which is the same as a Phd.  So why not be a doctor if your willing to go that far or settle for something that takes less time in school but pays about the same like an accountant or nurse.  

    Make your choice wisely because there are many related careers that does not require a doctorate.

  3. I dont have Amounts, but  know that They rank up with Dentists,then srgeons.  I think Dentists are on the top of the

    list 4$$$$$$$$$ money makers in the renge of 300,000 a year.

  4. Go and research.

    What grade ar you in and why do you want to know this now?

  5. well since u wanna know soo bad u can  search a search engine. Or u can ask a governmental. its around $20, 000

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