
How much does a salvaged title make your car insurance go up?

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I am an 18-year-old first time driver that just got his license a week ago. I got a car that's a "salvaged title" and a theft recovery. I got a quote on the car before I found out those things and the quote was $135/month. But I was wondering, how much does the salvaged title make it go up? Can someone give an approximate answer? And what insurance company is the best for this? Thanks.




  1. The only thing the salvage title does in most cases is determine the value of the car.  A salvage title car is worth less then the same car with a regular title. Other words the insurance company would pay out less on a claim.

    The main reason the rate is probably so high is because.

    1) Your age.

    2)  You've never had insurance before.

    In order for you to find the best rate avaialbe to you it's going to require a some effort. By comparison shopping you will discover that rates can vary anywhere from $10-$50 per month.

    The easiest way to compare rates is to take advantage of some of the free on line insurance rating services. One of the best insurance consumer sites that I have personally come across is for a couple of reasons.

    1)  They provide you with free resources and educational links to help understand insurance.

    2)  They provide direct links to some of the more reliable and popular free quoting services. If you descide to use them don't limit your chances of getting the best quote by only clicking on one or two of the links that is provided in their auto insurance section but use them all.  There free and you having nothing to lose but a lot to gain.

    Also another word of advice - many people automatically choose the lowest amounts of liability coverage assuming that they will save a lot of money.  While it is true that lower that the liability limits are lower the premium, it is also true that in many cases the difference may only be few dollars.  It's always a good idea to check out the cost on various limits of liability.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Yes, it will go up a bit.

    You can try this company - - I personally have their car insurance.

    As I know they have such a service for salvaged cars and provide cheapest insurance policies for teens and first time drivers.

  3. In my experience, not at all.  You probably won't be able to get comprehensive insurance.  (I only carried liability, a couple notches above minimum, and uninsured motorist coverage.)

    I've had good results here...

    Good Luck.

  4. Th only thing about a salvaged title is the coverage options. I am pretty sure you can get full coverage insurance. You might be able to if the company takes photos and looks the vehicle over. You would get less money for the car if it is totaled because of the book value will be less. was able to get my truck insured having a salvaged title. Since the damage wasn't repaired, I was only able to get liability coverage.

  5. For car insurance the most efficient way to get a low quote is do a policy comparison on car policies. Make sure that you pick similar options with the same deductibles, car make, location, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I always recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have top name insurers and can give many quotes on auto insurance polices.

  6. I've gone through the same thing -- still a bit painful,here is the resource help me a lot.

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