
How much does a taxi from chennai airport to annanagar <span title="east/Chinthamani/Aminjikarai">east/Chinthamani/Aminjika...</span> cost?

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I'll be flying in from outside India into chennai and was wondering as to how much a taxi from the Chennai international airport to aminjikarai cost...I know there is a high likelihood of being cheated by those taxi guys, but If I knew a particular rate on what to to ask for, I would know as to what extent I am being cheated. by the way, I am from chennai and its been a long time since my last vacation to predict the current prices myself.






  1. Ask for pre-paid taxi service. It would cost you approximately Rs. 250/- to 300/-

  2. hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! answer to your question is that i can not tell exactly  but it can cost 90,7658498/- Rs Only

  3. It was like 300Rs...eight years ago... my parents told me now, it should be within a 1000Rs.

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