
How much does a tounge peircing hurt compaired to cartilage?

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I have 2 lower ear lobe piercings on each ear and one upper cartilage (aka helix) piercing on my right ear which hurt for about a month but the actual piercing process didn't hurt it was just afterward that I had to ice it and didn't sleep on that side for about 2 months. so I'm just wondering if a tongue piercing would hurt more or less than my cartilage did?




  1. I had more pain afterwards for alot longer than my tongue

  2. I have both and when the needle went through my Tongue it hurt. But after that it was fine i just took Aleve's for the swelling.

    All in all the Tongue onlt hurt while it was being pierced the Cartilege hurt alot after.

  3. well honestly the most painful piercing is the tongue, nose, and nipple cause they are the most sensitive then any other piercings. it cause gum disease and it can chip your teeth.

    Severely painful piercing is your tongue really.

    plus its the most one that can get infected cause its in your mouth.

    all piercing hurt some just hurt a lot more then others.

    i know people that had it done and they took it out cause it got old real fast and they regret getting it done and half of them said it hurt like h**l and they would never get it re done again.

    Because different parts of the tongue are sensitive to different tastes, some people find that a piercing affects their sense of taste. It can also cause slight difficulty in speaking clearly. If you need an operation, you will be asked to remove the tongue jewelery, because it can cause difficulties with the anaesthetic

    The pierced site could become infected, but this seems to be fairly unusual in the tongue compared with other parts of the body (maybe because of its good blood supply). Resist the temptation to fiddle with the newly inserted stud.

    The piercing can allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream. In a recent case in the USA, the bacteria from a tongue piercing damaged the valves of the heart.

    the actual piercing is so brief that the worst part is the preceding mental anxiety and fear. And, no matter how the piercing felt, almost everyone who gets pierced can't help but laugh or smile when it's over. Don't get me wrong, piercing is not a painless experience--but pain is completely relative to the individual and the pain incurred during a piercing is nothing that the average person can't handle. Remember: the piercing process only lasts a split second, while the new addition to your body can be enjoyed as long as you like.

    The teenager said the stabbing pains in her face felt like electrical shocks that lasted 10 to 30 seconds and struck 20 to 30 times a day.

    Her doctors diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia, a nerve disorder sometimes called “suicide disease” because of the excruciating and dispiriting pain it causes.

    Doctors tried painkillers, then stronger medication, but in the end, a cure proved more simple: The young woman removed the metal stud from her pierced tongue.

    Two days later her pain vanished.

    The account in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association is the latest documentation of complications, some life-threatening, linked to tongue piercing.

    Other problems include tetanus, heart infections, brain abscess, chipped teeth and receding gums. One woman developed so much scar tissue that it resembled what she called a “second tongue.”

    In the newly reported case, the young Italian woman’s mouth jewelry apparently irritated a nerve running along the jaw under her tongue. That nerve is connected to the trigeminal nerve, one of the largest in the head.

    “There are people who have been dropped to their knees” by trigeminal neuralgia, said Alana Greca, a registered nurse and director of patient support for the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association. “That’s how intense and how horrendous the pain can be.”

    The teenager is lucky her pain disappeared, Greca said

    “Certainly, this was an isolated case, an extremely rare complication of this kind of piercing,” said Dr. Marcelo Galarza, a neurosurgeon at Villa Maria Cecilia Hospital in Ravenna, Italy, who reported the case to the journal.

    The tongue is “a particularly dangerous place to pierce” because it is rich in blood vessels that can spread infection to major organs and because it is near important nerves and the upper airway, he said.

    Jeanne Fritch, owner of Personal Art, a piercing and tattooing studio in Lake Station, Ind., said she has not heard of a similar case in her 21 years in business.

    Fritch recommended people interested in tongue piercing see only professional, experienced piercers and use only “implant grade” metal jewelry. Good mouth hygiene while the tongue heals also is important, Fritch said.

    Stefania Fraccalvieri, the patient in the report, is now 21 and a student in Rome. Her advice to people considering tongue piercing: “Don’t do that. My experience was so bad. I was so sick and now I feel much better.”

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