
How much does a trainmaster and a conductor make a year? roughly.?

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im engaged to someone who works for kansas city southern railroad. he told me he makes a certain income and i just want to verify it without asking to see his paystub. i mean it's no the most important thing but i want to see :)




  1. What's the difference what he makes. If you love him, money don't matter.

  2. So much for trust lol. 45 to 55 k for a conductor.More for a trainmaster,but it depends on how long they have been an officer of the company.Thats just a guess of course.I make more as an engineer so i'm basing it on that.

  3. LOL. Soooooo, you want to know if this fiance is to remain a fiance. Trainmasters and Conductors make good money. The question for you is, will it be enough?

  4. What he is telling you is undoubtedly correct. It will be over $50K, minimum, perhaps a good bit more depending on the assignment he is on.

    I agree with your wanting to know, openness must be established early in a relationship, in all matters including money.

    You are right to want to know, you will be contributing half to the relationship, in different ways, emotionally if not always financially.

    Good Luck and Congratulations!

  5. So, what happens when you realise that he is telling the truth?

    What happens, if you think it is not enough?

    What happens, when he finds out, you went on this website, to find out if he is telling the truth?

    Stop being a gold digger and suck it up!!!!!!

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