
How much does a zero drop your grade?

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Like if I have a 77 in math and didnt turn in two homework assigments how much will it bring down my grade?

also in english if i skip the next two homework assignments and i have a 93 will i still have an A?




  1. We can't really tell you that because we don't know how many assignments there are or how much of your grade they are worth, but generally 0s really hurt.  Let me give you an example.  I just finished grading a class this morning.  They had ten short assignments worth 10 points each.  The people who turned all of the assignments in generally had grades between 75 and 100, but the people who skipped assignments ended up with grades between 26 and 53.  Not good!

  2. u should ask ur teacher how much ur homework/classwork/projects/test/quiz are worth for ur final grade... some teachers have like ALL the homeworks add up to about 10-15% of ur grade....and like projects and tests are usually alot more of course, maybe 25-50%, but it mostly depends on the teacher and how many assignments are given out....some grades classwork/homework assignments on like a 1-4 scale, or 1-10 or A,B,C,D,F, or really does depend on the teacher's way of grading....

  3. First, it depends on how many grades there are.  If you've only had a few assignments, they'll drop it a lot.

    Second, how low can you go an still get an A?  93?  If so, no, you can't skip them.

  4. You should do all of your work all the time.  Never PLAN on skpping assignments.  The teachers assign you work for a reason, so that you can learn.  And yes, those two zeros will most likely bring your grade done a lot.  And probably won't still have an A in English if you dont do your homework, but since you are planning on not doing your homework you probably don't care that much about your grades anyway.

  5. Without knowing your instructor's overall grading, it is impossible to tell.  I can tell you that in my school, it could give you an " I " for incomplete, and if you don't make it up then it can turn into an " F ".  If I were grading you and you intentionally skipped papers because you thought you had enough points for an " A ", no way would you get the " A ".  Sorry, but my advice is do the work and learn from it.

  6. just do all your homework and you won't have to do the math, right? either way you're gonna have to learn something.

  7. well it depends on how much the assignments are worth.

    i had a 97 in english, i got a C on an assignment(74/139 i think), it dropped my grade to a 77. =[

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