
How much does an Air Force pilot earn??

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it u wana go to the air force do u have to go to 4 year college first or u directly join air force after high school???? and how long do u have to study for air force pilot and which is the best school for it??




  1. It depends, there are actually several ways to answer your question.  You can get a typical 4 year degree first or you can join as an enlisted person first and go to school while you are serving your first term.  Or you can get accepted to the Air Force Academy and get a degree that route while learning to fly.  To answer your question on how much an Air Force Pilot makes, that depends on his or her rank.  For example an O-1 or O-1E (a LT that was enlisted for 4 years prior to becoming an officer) otherwise known as a 2LT or Second LT. makes whatever the current pay scale determines.  This typically changes every year according to what president is in office.  You can check pay rates on this web site     I hope this information helps you on your career choice.  I served our great country first as an enlisted sailor in the U.S. Navy and finished my career later as a  Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Army (when I became disabled while to serving my country.  Serving your country as enlisted or as an officer is a great honor.  Remember this when you decide what you will become some day.

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