
How much does an Aircraft Mechanic make?

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How much does an Aircraft Mechanic make per year?




  1. Not enough for the responsibility involved.  I have been doing it for 25 years and currently working for a major US carrier.  In 2001 we were on our way to getting paid what we deserve.  Then after 9-11 the paycuts began.  We had a brief positive outlook and got a few percent pay raise and now with the fuel costs the airlines are under financial pressure again.  If you are looking for a well paying stable career.  I would recommend looking elsewhere.

  2. Not enough for the liability, constant training, and strange hours required.

  3. First off, it depends on what kind of school you go to first. With all the AMT schools giving away A&P licenses these days, you're likely to get around $10 an hour. Timco in Macon, Georgia starts all new mechanics with no experience between $10-$11.50 an hour. That is between 21 and 24 thousand a year.

    A starting mechanic where I work now makes about $15 an hour, or just over 30 thousand a year. I'm in the south though, and they do pay less down here. Nationwide the average starting is around $19 and hour, or about $40 a year. With experience this should slowly go up, but I do mean slowly.

    I work with a mechanic that was laid off from Northwest after 40 years. He was making around $35 an hour, which is about  73 thousand a year, before overtime, at the end of his career there.

    It takes a long time to make good money as a mechanic. And for the amount of responsibility it is, it's not enough. You have to be good and responsibly. Be negligent at this job, and you go to jail.

  4. Starting out around 15.00$ an hour, Don't get into it unless you really like to fix airplanes. You'll never get rich doing it. I've been doing it for 10 years civilian and 13 military, but I really like it. It's alot of resposibility for not much pay or glory.

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