
How much does an abortion cost

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can medicare cover some of the cost and can you use your concession card for discount




  1. If you receive Medicare, you're beyond menopause and probably don't need one.

    If you mean Medicaid, quit killing your kids on my tax dollars.

  2. It depends on the place where you get an abortion. I suggest you go to Planned Parenthood and ask questions. Abortions cost from 300-500 dollars, but it depends where you live.

  3. I suggest you go to Planned Parenthood.  They will give you other options.  Abortion is murder.  It will cost you an eternity in h**l.

  4. Please consider putting the baby up for adoption. There are many couples who desperately want to adopt a healthy child. You will be able to help them as well as giving your child the same chance to live that your mother gave you and my mother gave me. Remember, that is a real human being growing inside you and he/she will never have another chance to live if you have an abortion. Think about all the experiences you have had in your life...every time you've laughed, every friend you've made, every movie you've watched, every time you've been kissed. Would you really want to deny someone else a chance to ever have any of those experiences?

  5. The cost is one human life.  Please reconsider, have a sonogram and then choose life!  There are so many couples who would love to adopt this child.  This child cannot choose life, but you can.  Love yourself enough not to do this to yourself or the baby.  Eventhough the abortion would be over in a matter of moments, you will spend the rest of your life recovering.

  6. That child shares your blood and you're trying to kill him, how sad you are. If you didn't want to get pregnant you should have gone through birth control or haven't had s*x at all. Now that you are you must be responsible, being a woman is facing the consequences of your acts, not just opening your legs.

  7. If you live in australia...which im assuming you do. No..medicare and consessions cover NONE of the costs. I think abortion costs about $520 now but the price range can be anything from $400-$1000 depending on how far along you are.

    Why the h**l do antiabortionists answer these questions? it really pi$$es me off. they don't even offer any helpfull information...just a load of bull$hit about their beliefs.

    Another thing, This topic is posted under the correct catergory because women who are wanting an abortion are technically pregnant.

    and lastly, medicare (Australian)and medicaid (US) are the same thing.

  8. it cost alot more then the condom you could have bought so that you wouldnt have to kill your baby.

  9. more than protection would have cost you poor baby it is sad that it is no more than than a oops to you and a answers to someones  dreams

  10. hi, I'm guessing you live in australia as you referred to medicare, and concession suggests you are registered with centrelink. if so you can go into your local branch and ask to speak to a social worker, they will then be able to refer you to your nearest woman's health centre and they will be able to help you from there.they helped me immeasurably, ( yes that's right ppl, I'm a child killer headed for h**l, pray for me now( sarcasm, if you don't recognise it)!!!) please don't listen to what all these horrible women are saying, accidents happen and i say shame on all of those ppl who have said mean things, they don't stop for one moment to consider the circumstances of your situation, there are many reasons a woman may need an abortion, condoms break, women are often raped and feel this is the only alternative, ( i sincerely hope that's not the case though) and for all those who are talking about h**l and must be religious, aren't we not meant to jude others, and live in the likeness of the lord? treat others as you would like to be treated and all that. your horrible comments disgust me, why would you wish someones procedure to go wrong and end in pain. if any ones going to h**l here its the ppl who have written things like that.

    good luck sweetheart i'm sure your making the right choice for your situation kj

  11. Call Planned Parenthood. The cost is in the $300-$500 range. Insurance doesn't cover it unless it is medically necessary....

    Answer the question that she asked and stop trying to force your morals on someone else!

  12. everything why woould u take the chance of having unprotected s*x if u disdnt want a baby? that is stupid maybe from his u will learn some common sense and use protection

  13. it costs your soul...which isn't so bad cause you can get 1/2 off if you've got a coupon or an i'm-a-hooker savings club card

    p.s.  what makes you think the people in 'pregnancy&parenting' know about abortion costs u kook?

  14. This all depends on which state your from speak to your local GP and he/she can refer you to your nearest family planning clinic and they will be the best people to advise you on your options as well as offer you counselling prior to you making a final decision. Also they can help you wit the finacial aspect as well.

  15. Go to planned parent hood. If you can't afford it, tell them and chances are they will do it for free....geeze, please don't have s*x if you can't have it responsibly!

  16. depends on how far along you are. If less than 3 months about 300

  17. More than a box of condoms I'm sure. Next time think before you ****!

  18. It's between $200 and $4000, depending on how far along you are, and if you have any medical problems that would require total anesthesia. The average cost is about $400.

    Medicaid doesn't cover it in most states. I think NY, NJ and CA are one of the few states in which it is covered.

  19. Most insurances will not cover the cost unless it is medically necessary (you life is in jeopardy by the pregnancy).

    I'm sure costs will vary from location to location. It also depends on what type of abortion you get and how far along you are.

    Average cost is about $500.

  20. its roughly 300 to 400$$$$$

    and i dont think they take that stufff.

    those companies arent for abortion there against it

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