
How much does an assistant golf Pro make a year?

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I was just curious because i am currently an assistant and making 38,000 a year i just wanted to know if that is a good or bad:




  1. 40K to 50K

  2. Sounds like a lot to me. Ya that's good.

    Does that include, money form lessons, medical, dental, life, retirement, 401K, any benefits?

    I make quite a bit more than that, but it’s all relative. You work at a golf course! I might quite my job for 38K to p**s around a golf course all day.

  3. From $14K to $80K.  If you are seasonal, you are doing quite well.  For 12 months, you are right around average.  If you are a registered PGA apprentice (B-8) or PGA Member (A-8), give your career consultant a ring.  Go to for his name or call (800) 4PGAPRO.

    There is more to a good assistant's job than money.  Does your Head Professional have a record of assistants who get good jobs?  What are you actually doing with your day?  Are you learning how to run a golf operation on your own?

  4. I dont know what part of the country Mike A lives in to say 38k is average. I have heard of very few assistants making that much.  I'm an assistant and I make about 28k plus lessons. The average total income for all facilities is about 27k. Check out this chart.

  5. jdub - wow man, if I woulda made 38k I might've stayed in the business!! I was making roughly 15k a year living in my parents attic driving an 88 Z24 when I finally gave up....

    It's a hard road man, stay the game proud!

    Good Luck!

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