
How much does an autopsy cost in texas penatentaries?

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My greatgrandma passed away and her funeral money disappeared for the past 14 years(monthly). They are now telling me that she was paying for an autopsy loan nad funeral costs that she got for her son that was killed in jail about 14 years ago.. i think this is bull because she mentioned to me before how she had to pay $100 for her funeral every month. Plus doesnt the state cover inmates who die in jail? please help out. I think this is fraud.




  1. I, too, was under the impression that everyone who died in jail was autopsied.  A private autopsy can cost as much as $3500, and 15 years ago the funeral bill was probably about $4000-5000.  Hope this helps a little, ask the state pen. further questions and find out who was being paid each month and for what.

  2. The autopsy is going to cost about $4,000, IF it's performed.  

    What do you mean, her "funeral money disappeared"?  More likely than not, she spent it on something else.  

    Ask the executor of her estate to go through the banking records, to see exactly whom she was paying $100 a month.   But really, it's not your business - let the kids worry about it, or the executor of her estate.  It's NOT the grandkid's worry.  

    The state doesn't "cover" inmates who die in jail.

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