
How much does an insurance agent earn per year?

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How much does an insurance agent earn per year?




  1. Both answers, above, are correct.

    If you are in a company that allows you to earn overrides on people you bring into the industry, WOW!

    The overrides can really make you happy.  Last Tuesday I attended a speech by guy with eleven years in our company.  If he stopped selling right now, his continued income would be over $235,000 a year.  

    Since he is continuing to sell, his income is clearly much, much, much greater.

    You may wish to consider a few different companies to see their compensation plans with an eye toward the residuals.  (Each year a policy holder renews, do you receive a nice portion of the premium?  One, two, three, five percent???

    Recruiting others into our industry will make the difference for you.  Most people quit.  I have had people who did not finish the week.  Almost all are out within a month.  But the ones that continue:  Income, income, income.   And I get an override for everything they earn.  (Smiles.)

  2. It varies dramatically.

    When I started three years ago, I got hired with a base salary with bonuses based on sales, and made around $30k.  I make a lot more than that now, and I only work with Employee Benefits.  I have coworkers selling liability, general liability and Workers Comp policies and some of them are making a few hundred thousand a year.

    It depends on sales success, industry, and how much you are willing to sacrifice your free time.  With discipline, you can make bushels of money.  Without it... less so.

  3. It's usually a straight commission job.  An established agent usually earns around $50K to $80K, but it can be a lot more.

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