
How much does any type of lolita clothes cost to buy here in the u.s. if ordered?

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Well i had an idea about ordering from a certain lolita clothing line and was going to do this probably around christmas,i'm getting $300 totall to spend but am kinda lost between japan prices and american prices if ordered.




  1. It depends on where you order from.  If you are looking to purchase from Brand $300.00 will get you a few items depending on your style.  A one piece dress from some brands will run you around 300.00.  If you are looking for brand and want to buy second hand you may want to check out the EGL Livejournal community which has a second group that contains sales posts with many new posts daily.  You're $300.00 may go further there but keep in mind that even second hand brand tends to run around the same price as when it was first bought new and sometimes more depending on if it was a limited edition run or style.

    If you don't particularly care about wearing brand and want to make your dollar stretch farther may I suggest Fan + Friend.  They have a variety of styles.  They offer different pieces or full outfits.  The average 4-7 piece outfit will run you from $120-200 U.S. where the dresses and skirts by themselves run $50-$150 depending on style.

    If you are open to more of a variety of Lolita may I suggest

    or J-chan designs

    Both run dresses from $50 to $100

    I have purchased from In the Starlight and have worked as a model for J-Chan Designs who will be featured in the August issue of Anicoz magazine. Both owners are a delight to work with and are excellent designers with great craftsmen ship.

    If you are looking for something that looks more like Japanese brand but are willing to sacrfice some of the quality for a lower price may i suggest Anna House

    While the prices at first look expensive keep in mind they are in Hong Kong Dollars so the $280 dollars for a skirt is actually, for example $36 american. The quality is actually good although the fabrics are a little thinner than couture.

    I hope this helps answer your question. If you have any further questions please feel free to email me or join my lolita yahoo group

  2. It depends on which store you're buying from. Some you have to order from with shopping services because they don't offer shipping overseas, and that costs more. If you're planning on ordering from Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Mary Magdalene, or Metamorphose then you don't have to worry about that extra cost. I'm not sure about Mary Magdalene or Meta, but I'm pretty sure that you can ask Baby for a shipping estimate before ordering.

    If this is your first time getting some lolita clothing may I make a suggestion?

    You should try buying from All it takes to figure out exactly how much you'll have to pay is a calculator and their prices are in Hong Kong dollars, so they're way cheaper than the brand names, but very high quality. For $300 you could get a nice dress or a simple jumper with a head bow and a pair of socks from the brands, but for 300 dollars from Anna House you could get a pair of shoes, a dress, a blouse, two skirts, a petticoat, some bloomers and a hair accessory or two all for $300. Maybe a little more than that, I'm not sure. That gives you three outfits versus one without shoes. All you'd need after that is some knee-socks or opaque stockings, which you can find at the mall.

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