
How much does car insurance cost for a teenager?

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How much does car insurance cost for a teenager?




  1. That depends on your zip code, vehicle, gender, etc.  You may want to try a site that compares multiple companies at once to get you the best price. I'm paying less than  

  2. Depends on the year of car, Full coverage, Liability, and deductables and all that! I say call 1-800-general its the cheapest!  

  3. Simply put, a lot. All  insurance companies charge much more for youthful drivers for several reasons. Over time, statistics show that teens are generally involved in more collisions AND are involved in more costly collisions. Why is this so? Well, inexperience is one factor. Also, teens are more likely to be roaming the roads at all hours including many times after dark. As well, teens usually carry more passengers around who can be injured. Teens are frequently not as focused on the driving task as more mature drivers based on cutting up in the car, talking, showing off, attending to hair, nails, boy/girlfriends, and cell phones, etc.  Most teens suffer from the "invincibility complex" which means that they feel young, alert, vibrant, full of life, etc. and convince themselves that bad things (like accidents) only happen to "other people." I am not downing teens as I have one and was a teen myself. But, the facts are what they are. So, insurance companies charge more for this statistically higher risk class called "youthful operators." I spent 13 years policing before I got into doing risk management for an insurance company. I can't tell you in words how hard it is to see a parent's face at 2 in the morning. They "know" why you are standing on their front porch even before they open the front door to hear what you will have to tell them.    

  4. Depends on the vehicle.  A new sporty car will cost you an arm and a leg, as well as a 4X4 truck with a big engine.

    Theres different types of insurance as well.  Liability wouldn't cost that much depending on the level of it you got.  Going the full coverage route you might end up paying more in insurance than you did for the car after a while  

  5. For automobile insurance the quick way to get a low rate is do a policy comparison on car policies. Make certain that you choose similar policies with the same deductibles, auto model, zip code, etc so that all things are an accurate comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an internet comparison quote at since they have big name insurers and can give multiple prices on auto insurance polices.

  6. In the uk a family hatchback will cost ~£2000 a year for a newly qualified 17 year old.

    A small supermini will cost about £1500.

  7. My suggestion is trying to get as much as information as you could before making any decision,here is a good resourece.

  8. Call an insurance agent! Tell them how old you are and what kind of car (and the year and model) you have, how many miles a day or week you'll drive it, how many miles are on it. It may be a bit cheaper for you if you've taken a Driver's Ed course.

    Unfortunately, people under 25 pay a higher premium than older people, as the previous answerer has stated. Maybe being added to your parents' policy is a possibility?

    Just remember, please: a car is a 2,000-pound weapon .. don't point it anyone, drive safely and arrive alive.  

  9. There is an absolutely massive range.  You will have to speak with an agent or do some online quotes. I suggest speaking with an agent, they will do the leg work for you.  If you choose to go online check out this site for a list of insurers in your area.


  10. Try between $80.00 and $90.00 a month but i'm from PA. If the teen can pick a job up and pay 1/2 the cost it's not to bad plus the teen can learn some responceability.

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