
How much does dental work cost in Vancouver, BC?

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I plan on moving there in a few months and I"m not sure whether I should do my dental work before or after I move.

I need to get a routine cleaning and I think i have a cavity so how much approximately would it cost to fix it (like a regular filling)?

Thank you




  1. If you are moving from another part of Canada, the costs are probably very similar. You will find a wide range of prices among dentists if you don't have third party coverage (e.g. Blue Cross). There are some dental clinics downtown and in outlying areas that offer low cost dental care for people with financial need, but the waiting list tends to be quite long. If you need more complicated care, like a root canal or anything involving oral surgery, the costs are ridiculously high and they tend to ask for payment up front. Some family practice dentists will consider a payment schedule. If you are going to school, most post secondary schools in BC offer a basic dental insurance plan for about $100 a year that covers a large portion of medical and dental costs. Many employers also have group medical/dental plans, either fully funded or at a shared cost. You can also buy personal dental insurance through companies like Blue Cross, which might be a lower cost option depending on what you need done.

  2. I'm sure it'll be cheaper than Phoenix or even Seattle

  3. My wife goes to the dental school  at UBC  has had good luck .And saved a lot of money  .Medicare doesn't cover dental . There is 3 month wait to get get on MSP  You must all so register for pharmacare

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