
How much does each US taxpayer pay for illegals in the USA?

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Does anyone know how much each US taxpayer is paying for illegals here in the USA? Is there even a dollar amount for how much each taxpayer is paying for them to be here? Is there anything taxpayers can do about this?




  1. all tax goes to israel,so shut up.

  2. I agree with It's that guy that illegal immigrants are a net positive for our economy, but there is something taxpayers can do to reduce immigration legal and illegal.  Pressure your government representatives from small town mayors to the President of the United States to help improve other economies, ecosystems and education systems around the world and reduce global reproduction rates.  That should do it.

  3. Nobody pays them to be here, they are here on their own free will, and they pay taxes to. They pay billions in taxes every year to be exact! They don't claim taxes at the end of the year, so all that stays in the system to help pay for retirement checks of legal citizens and helps medicare stay afloat to. Illegal immigrants aren't elegible for any governemtn services, so if you were to calculate, the US owes them money.

    I'm not making this up either!

    Undocumented Aliens Do Not Overburden Government Programs

    It’s a widely held misperceptions: Undocumented immigrants pay no taxes but take advantage of a slew of taxpayer-supported federal benefits such as food stamps, Medicaid and Medicare (the health care programs for the poor and the elderly), Social Security, housing and hospital services. In fact, federal law bars undocumented alien access to all those benefits, with very few exceptions.

    At tax time, illegal immigrants are paying too

    The Social Security Administration estimates that about three-quarters of illegal workers pay taxes that contribute to the overall solvency of Social Security and Medicare.

  4. Actually study after study shows that illegal immigrants don't cost taxpayers anything.  They pay FICA and state unemployment and disability out of every paycheck but never apply for benefits.  They work cheap so they lower costs for manufacturers and employers.  Their economic impact is net positive.

    If you don't like illegal immigrants, if you think they're a problem and you want politicians to do something, well that's okay, lots of people are on your side.  But the economic argument is not a good one.  There are plenty of better arguments.

  5. Better yet How much does each US taxpayer pay for americans who abuse the system because they would rather collect disablity, food stamps, welfare, use the ER without insurance and wont get a job?  That is who US taxpayers are paying for!

  6. immigrants and Mexican households in particular use every major welfare program at higher rates than natives.49% of mexican immigrants use EITC and pay no federal income tax and instead receive cash assistance. Residing in the country illegally does not necessarily preclude use of the credit.24% of households headed by illegal mexicans use major welfare programs, mainly thru their anchor babies. Studies indicate that whether legal or illegal immigrants from mexico have a heavy use of welfare programs.

  7. Because so many of the illegal aliens are using fake I.D.s, there is no way we can know what the numbers actually are.  But with the known illegal aliens, we know they are sucking about $300 billion a year out of our economy in welfare.  A couple of sites that may help you:

  8. Studies show the direct cost is somewhere between $300-$500 a year per taxpayer.  The real cost is far more than that however, since the influx of so much additional labor has skewed the supply vs demand balance so badly.  Not only are they sucking up massive amounts of your tax dollars, they're also negatively impacting the wages of all Americans, not just the unskilled labor that one would expect.

    Between lower wages and government services, they're probably costing you close to $1000/yr.  But there is something you can do about it, vote for anybody who supports serious measures to deal with the problem.

  9. No, but I know that bush spends 1,200 million/month in his war in iraq and nobody complains

  10. I don't think anyone can give you an exact figure on this. there are too many illegals using too many resources. I do know it takes $10-12000 for every anchor baby they give birth to  if nothing goes wrong that is just the birth..not prenatal care. not post birth care. just the birth itself. It takes $400,000 a to raise a kid for 18 years so you take 1 anchor baby that is auto a citizen and add $400,000 per anchor baby and it all adds up. that's not counting any extra cost like accidents they may have, things like cancer, etc. that's not counting free healthcare for the parents, welfare for the family, free housing, free education, free school lunches, etc. and who knows how much they cost us in unpaid taxes. so you will never get an accurate count. Plus look at the cost of tax payer money for crimes committed. and hospitals being bankrupt, etc.

    Honestly, until we get a President in office who cares more about US citizens then big corporations and rich people (who are the ones benefitting from illegals) nothing will be done.

  11. Well, I am not here to start a argumentor nothing, but my husband who was an illegal here in the US has been barred for 10 years just for being illegal. (I know many are happy, will leave obscene remarks, etc., but for us it is very devastating). He however never once cost you US taxpayers anything, because when he started working he started using his name, and a ITIN number issued from our govt He did his taxes every year from 1999 til 2006. He learned English so he didn't have to utilize interpreting services, he was able to adopt my youngest son and no my child goes fatherless due this tragedy (for us anyway) and my other son cries because his real dad left him when younger and only sees him when he remembers him, but my husband in Mexico loves these boys a lot. We were buying a house, etc., but now going to lose it since my husband can't come back till 2018. He wasn't here to use your money, he was here to live a different life, although through his actions he is being was I would say is brutally harsh. So, I am not speaking for any other "undocumented" person, but I know my husband never used your tax dollars.  

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