
How much does gas cost.?

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I live in the In Texas,America and i wanted to know if gas is ceeper here or in the England




  1. I got a Vauxhall astra 1.7 diesel and it takes about £45 to fill it up

  2. It's £1.09 at the moment which is $2.18 but thats per litre. There are 0.264 US gallons in a litre so it's around $8.80 per US gallon.

    Lol Curly, that's happened to me before too :-)

  3. In St Louis MO USA its 3.50 a gallon for regular

  4. money over their is way diffrent

  5. In the UK its about 4 times more than you pay

  6. diesel is 118.9 a litre a here in the uk, thats because there is 87% duty/taxes on both petrol and diesel

    so for every £10.00 you put in the tank either petrol or diesel, you are actually only getting £1.30 worth of fuel,  not many people can now afford to motor for leisure, it's just for getting to and from work, the trains services and public transport in general is not good, so there is little choice but to spend much of your wage on fuel, not sure how long it can go on for though.

  7. Do you mean petrol?

  8. A large can of heinz baked beans is 35p or $6.

  9. Currently, petrol in england is around £1.09 a litre, so $2.20 a litre, which is about $8.80 a gallon.  I think your gas is about $3 a gallon last time I looked, so yes in England it is 3 times the price!!!

    But we have smaller engines generally and places are closer together, so don't generally travel as far!

  10. It's MUCH cheaper in the US. With the exception of the United States and Australia (which pay about 3-4 dollars per gallon), every other industrialized nation has what are best described as a "luxury tax" upon gasoline and most oil-products usually comprising about 1/2 of the cost of the price of the fuel.

    When you do the whole Metric/British conversion and the currency factors, Citizens in most European countries - the UK included pay something like 8-10$ per gallon for gasoline.

    These taxes are INTENDED to get people to change their way of living , buying efficient cars, moving into cities, NOT buying gas-guzzler cars.

    The most "progressive" thing our politicians have done in nearly 20 years, was recently when they managed to pass a 2 cent per gallon temporary tax (over 10 years) on gasoline to promote the research into alternative fuels - such as bio-manufactured fuels (refined/grown in big algae tanks).

  11. I can only assume that being American you do actualy mean what is the cost of petrol.

    I have just driven back to UK and back to Portugal in a week and spent nearly four hundred pounds sterling on fuel.

    My car takes 95 unleaded.

    Portugal 1.41 euros a litre

    France i managed to get 1.39 euros a litre but motorway filling stations were 1.49

    England I paid 1.07 pounds a litre at an exchange rate of 1.25 to the euro.

    Spain I paid 1.11 euros to the litre.

    I am not aware of current prices in US but I doubt if you pay over two dollars a litre or nearly ten dollars for a gallon.

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