
How much does gas have to cost?

by  |  earlier

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Before you don't take trips to the store, stop going out to eat, seeing movies and only go to where you have to like work and to get groceries?




  1. i'm there with the very next increase however little it may be... :(

  2. unless its some astronomical amount (like $500/gal) it will never be enough for people to stop using thier cars.  all that will happen is the rich will get richer and the middle class will get poorer.

  3. I have done without a car to do these things for most of the last 20 years. It helps to live in the city of Seattle. It doesn't make much sense to live in the suburbs where cars are required.

    Please expect the cost of gasoline to increase as the demand expands at a given price beyond the supply. You should demand better mass transit in your community.

    Gas is inelastic so "peak oil" will cause the price of gas to skyrocket.

  4. I quit worrying about the price of gas when it went over 30 cents a gallon.

    Why worry? it's going to go up forever. All you can do is get a better education and job.

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