
How much does interenet cost?

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How much does interenet cost?




  1. depends what server you get . rage from $10.00 to $30.00

  2. I have clearwire and I pay 42.37 a month. But trust me, don't get it, it's not very good. The internet usually depends on wht company you go with.

  3. I pay $40 a month for unlimited data with Verizon

  4. it depends on what you are getting. if you get dsl's sometimes they are 9 dolalrs to 14. it depends on aol is 25. and roadrunner is more it dependson what deals you make. you have to call and find out what you are looking for. there are some that are free and you have to learn how to get on with out the web type deal. check it out and call around.

  5. it depents on the company you want to pick i pay 100 for my house phone,internet and long distance

  6. i believe my internet costs 20 - 25 dollars. its dsl btw

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