
How much does it cost, here in England, to get a good dinner?

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I heard from a friend that it costs £500, but I only have £200. Can anyone recommend a cheap restaurant where I could get a filling dinner?




  1. £500 what's your friend a lion? lol

    £15 tops, depends were you go, i can have a fantastic dinner for £3.50

  2. i think u have more money than sense. why would you wanna spend that amount of cash on food? i agree with the others that you should go eat in a nice pub. how about an italian restaurant bet you will enjoy it more and wont pay over £50 and that includes the wine btw.

  3. Only £200?  How can you expect to get a decent meal for that?  think you'll have to settle for some bangers and mash down the pub, or maybe some cheap curry.

  4. what the h#ll are you talking about

    if you are from america listen i live in liver pool and my mum and me can eat out and get a good meal for £30

  5. whats your definition of a good dinner??

    Do you want a "cheap restaurant OR a good dinner" ????

  6. A chippery in Scunthorpe. A nutritious fish dinner with mushy peas, buttered roll, and, a fizzy drink, all for under a fiver.

  7. Go to one of the pub chains, 2 x mixed grills, 1 roast chicken dinner, 1steak and ale pie+chips and peas,2 shared garlic bread and dips starters.........£35, that'll do me. I have been in many "good" restaurants, this was as good as any of them !

  8. Woah! Where you planning on eating-The Ritz??!!

    I can get a good dinner for about £20 in most restaurants I've ever been to. Or go to Maccy D's get a salad, burger & Mcflurry-Hey presto, starter, mains & desert for less than a tenner!

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