
How much does it cost for a Tetanus shot for a horse?

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I was just wondering how much (approx.) it would cost for a tetanus shot for a horse.

I have both miniatures and regular sized horses.




  1. The shot itself costs about $5.

    I personally prefer the combo shot - gives them almost all the vaccines they need in one shot. Costs about $20

    If you can do it yourself, do it. If not, you;re going to have to pay a vet to do it, so you'll have to pay vet fees as well

    I'm 99% sure minis get the same dose as a big horse. I know foals and small ponies get the same dose as a horse.

    p.s.- make sure you get tetanus toxoid, not tetanus antitoxin. SOOOO not the same thing!

  2. Hmm - there's more than one type of tetanus - if you must have a vet come out and do it, he'll probably charge about $20 for the shot + whatever his farm call is or whatever it costs you to take the horse to the vet.

    If you find someone with authority to buy them for you and you know how to give a shot, it can be pretty cheap like only $5-$10 - but if you aren't prepared to give a shot and do it wrong it can cost you a lot possibly if the horse gets hurt or sick.

    It's hard to tell from your question how knowledgeable you are with horses.

    Valley Vet supply or other mail-order catalogs/websites have these for you to view and see the price range and requirements.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I recommend that you have the vet administer your shots.  Unless you are a rancher with multiple animals to treat, and trained like a medic, shots should be given by a professional.

    Affording vet care includes affording shots.

    ADD...or, of course, you can take the advice of the highly trained experts who have chosen to post answers for you on Y/A.

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