
How much does it cost for a black belt test?

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Where I train its $100 for any rank of black. but i was reading somewhere online about how some dojos increase the payment for testing as the rank increases. I was wondering what it is like where you train, teach, or if you used to train? They charge the same for testing from 1st-4th. Its mainly for embroidering of the belt, paying for the instructors, and also for your diploma.




  1. Up to a $100 is reasonable if it includes a nice quality belt and internationally recognized dan certificate.  Anything more stinks of McDojo.

  2. It's like $30 at my dojo regardless of belt

  3. I am currently enrolled in Karate America. They charge $30 for testing, no matter what. You could be testing for a yellow belt, or a black belt! I think that anything more than $100 is a major rip off...

  4. at my school its $50 for every grade up to black then $100

  5. 25$ for a colored grading.. (it pays for the belt and certificate)

    50$ for a black belt grading (pays for belt, embroidering, and certificate)

  6. My school charges $150 for a black belt test, but they also throw a nice reception and rent a hall for the promotions.

    We charge $25 for all other belts which basically covers the cost of the belt and certificate.  Technically, you can test and not get the belt.  You'd just be the only one in the dojo doing that.  

    In the overall scheme, I don't mind because I only pay $120/mth for my daughter and I to train there.

  7. my school does 250 for the first black belt, and only goes up as u increase in belt rank.

  8. Where I train, there is no fee for testing.  Sometimes, the instructor will watch us practice and spar or even spar with us and then announce that so and so has been promoted at the end of class.

  9. It varies from school to school. It is not uncommon for many schools to charge more for each advancement in the black belt rank.

    I wasn't charged anything at my school.

  10. That depends a lot on the school/ instructors and whether or not they are a part of one of the big national or international associations or what have you.

    I have seen small independent schools where all belt tests were in the $40-$50 range and seen other where any belt test was $100 or more regardless of belt level. Lots of schools charge less for lower belt level tests and then charge more for black belt and beyond.

    It is a wide open subject though to be perfectly honest with you.  

  11. At my school it's £5 ($9.90) to grade, no matter what belt you are going for. This helps pay for the belt, certificate, mat and hall hiring and any awards given out.

  12. This question won't even get you an average as the schools range anywhere from free to 3,000 bucks. Mine have never cost me anything other than a few injuries, and the time spent.

  13. It varies from school to school or association to association.

    Fees can range from no fee at all to over $1000 for a belt test.

    It is common for each dan of black to cost more.


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