
How much does it cost to adopt 2 yr old twin boys in Texas?

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The biological father is going to pay for it and would like to know how much it will cost? The adoptive father is the mothers husband.




  1. Depends on whether the court wants home visits and other stuff.  My BF's brother paid roughly $4,500 (fees, lawyer, court costs) to adopt his wife's 2 kids (semi-rural county). Part of this cost included an investigator to find the father, but I don't know how much.

  2. A step-father shouldn't have to adopt his own current wifes biological kids.

  3. if these people are called "grandparents" then not a lot.

  4. thats very confusing.......

  5. nobody nose

  6. its free!!

  7. sounds like you are talking about a step parent adoption? Its cheaper than a regular adoption but go talk to a lawyer.

  8. My husband adopted my children and here in PA, it just cost us what our lawyer charged us for his time. There were no other costs. I don't know how it is in Texas but talk to a lawyer and find out.

  9. We adopted and finalized in Texas.  Legal fees w/David Cole in Dallas were about $5k I think.

  10. about 50 thousand

  11. i dont really know but, God bless you for adopting twins!

    i'm a twin and i know how important it is for me and my brother to be in touch...

  12. Our children's parental rights are already terminated.  We are paying about $1500 for the adoption attorney.  We're adopting through foster care so that fee will actually be reimbursed through income tax next year (might apply to step-parent adoption).

    You will have to have a court order legally terminating the biological father's parental rights if they aren't already terminated.  I'm not sure if you can do both at the same time.  The attorney should be able to answer that question.

    Mary in TX (mom to 4 - 2 biokids, adopting 2 from foster care)

  13. It shouldn't cost too much, just the court costs and to pay a lawyer to make sure all the "I's" are dotted and "T's" crossed.  Usually where the big expenses come in are the adoption agencies.

  14. It depends on the situation, if there aren't any documents to contest the paternity and if all involved parties consent, it should not be that much, but it also depends on the lawyer you have, as their fees can parents adopted two girls about 10 years ago that were wards of the state and it was not contested as the mother gave up her rights and the father was incarcerated and all told I believe it was about 2,500! Reserach attorney's fees - sometime they over charge and if all parties are amicable you may even be able to fill out the paperwork from a kit or online!  Hope this helps!

  15. First, the birthfather's rights will have to be terminated, even though he signs voluntarily.  That will be about $500-$2000, depending on the attorney.  A suit to adopt could be filed at the same time, and that could run up to $3000.  But more than likely, they would join the suits together, which could also save some.  In some cases, a homestudy will be ordered by the judge on the adopting father, which could run $500-$800.  Hope that helps!

  16. free.

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