
How much does it cost to adopt a child in the US that is from the US?

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My finace and I would be great parents and we would love to adopt some day. I have heard that it is very expensive and I would like to know if it is even an option for two people with a modest income?




  1. One of my co-workers is beginning foster parenting and may be able eventually adopt the girl.  He said that adoption is free that way, otherwise it would $7,000-$10,000 to adopt. Might be worth checking into foster parenting first.  He and his wife have to take classes one night a week for 3 hours and the classes are for 10 weeks.  Good luck!

  2. I am adopting a newborn that is due any day know and the cost for the adoption has cost us $27,000.00. The cost range could range for different adoptions. The average adoption rate is betwen $15,000.00 and could go up to $50,000.00. If you are interested in adopting you can go through children and families for free( I found this out after the fact). All is that they require is a 30hr course in parenting that is takening over a 6 week period. Goodluck!

  3. you can adopt foster children that are already in the system usually for free.(but they may come with some issues from a not so nice past)  If you want to adopt a child from the US as an infant it can be $15 to $20 thousand.  Can take many years and you have to be willing to have an open adoption and some sort of relationship with the mother in most cases.  If you can have your own children the natural way, I would suggest it.  Adopting a baby is really hard emotionally to say nothing of the money etc.

  4. It is really expensive, on top of that its like an 8 year wait to get a child in the US!

  5. Domestic infant adoption fees are usually about $15,000-  $20,000 (although they can be $10,000- 40,000). There is a tax credit for almost $11,000, that you'll qualify for after the adoption has finalized. Many employers also offer adoption assistance, (with my husband's work it was $3,000) We too are living on a modest income, and have adopted twice. We were able to refinance our home and get money back to cover the fees. There are also home equity loans/ lines of credit, and low interest adoption loans.

    For domestic adoptions, here is an agency that seems to have reasonable fees and ethical practices

  6. Adoption fees vary greatly based on the type of adoption and whether or not you use an attorney or an adoption agency. We adopted a baby in the US and spent approximately $12,000 - $15,000 to do it.  Originally it was to be a private adoption, through attorneys but since our son had special needs, the attorney suggested that we contact an adoption agency to do and "identified adoption" for us to insure that he received all of the medical assistance that was available for him, etc.  It did cost us a bit more money in the long run, but we felt it was worth it.  

    Each agency is different, and foster to adopt is typically a bit less expensive, but I would recommend speaking to a reputable adoption agency in your area to discuss the options and costs; they will best be able to advise you.

    Good luck to you.

  7. Sure you can adopt.  It's the waiting period that is long.  If you go through an agency like Catholic Services and not one out for profit, it will be less expensive than one that barters.

  8. it varies by state and by agency. Foster/adopt costs just about nothing.

  9. Why do you want to adopt??  If you can't have children try looking into foster care.  There are TONS of kids out there that need caring for, not just babies that haven't been born yet.

    Let the moms keep their babies and help the kids that really need it.

  10. Adoption is an option even for two people with modest income.  The costs for a domestic adoption varies from virtually $0 - $40,000.

    If you choose to adopt a child from foster care, the cost is virtually nothing because the state will arrange for a home study, classes, placement, etc.  You may have to pay for criminal background checks and medical clearances.

    With any other adoptions be it independent or through a private agency, you would have to pay either the attorney handling the independent adoption or agency costs.

    Some of the fees of adoption are for:

    the home study

    criminal background check

    doctor appointments for medical clearances

    post-placement supervision

    travel expenses

    medical expenses for the birth mother (if permitted by your state)

    legal fees & court costs

  11. make your own babies....

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