
How much does it cost to adopt? / any other info appreciated ...?

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Im looking at adopting in the US, been doing a lot of reading, and the number always seems to vary.

Im hoping someone that has completed the adoption process will tell me what their "final cost" was.

Any other information will be REALLY helpful :)

Thank you




  1. The numbers vary because each adoption is somewhat unique. International, domestic, foster-to-adopt, agency, private, travel costs etc. all vary widely. Even different agencies have huge cost differences depending on how they advertise, what services they offer to the placing family, how they pay for those services (donations for a non-profit, individual adoptive parents for individual expenses, pooling and dispersing fees from all adoptions), whether they are profit or non profit, how many states they are licensed in.

    There is no one number to give you. Do you have a rough idea of the type of adoption you would like to do?

  2. Well, l'm not sure how helpful l can be, but l do know that an old neighbour of mine adopted her son, and she mentioned it cost around $5,500 (for in the US).  l'm not sure if this was the total cost of everything, or just the paperwork process.  l'm sure if you contact your local authority, they could give you at least a ballpark figure, then you could look into what 'extras' will set you back.  Best of luck to you, l hope it all goes well.

  3. I live and work in China.  we adopted about 4 years ago.  we were able to do it without an agency since we are residents here.  All up it cost $12,000 over about 9 months.  About half spent on the USA side, and half on the Chinese side. with the tax credit, we got $10,000 back.  For a net outlay of $2000.  Best money I ever spent.

    when we picked our daughter up there were couples at the orpanage from all over the USA picking up children as well.  They were discussing costs.  I heard figures from $20,000 up to $40,000.  Ouch.   Alot has changed in Chinese adoptions since then.  This information could be useless now.  we stopped following the process changes after we finished our adoption.  

    Our daughter has a lot of health issues the first year or two.  Some serious, but she pulled through and now is tougher than her two older brothers. Most kids in orphanages here will have some health issues.  Just the way it is.  

    Best regards and good luck in your adoption.

  4. It depends on what agency you work with.  If you become a licensed foster parent, the adoption is free, but it is a very lengthy process.  There are hundreds of children on adoption webpages for most states and these children are really wanting an adoptive family.  The only down side is that the children are usually over 2 years old.  

    If you go through a private agency, you can adopt an infant, but this is costly. The costs vary from state to state.  Most adoptions in the U.S.A. start at about $4,000.00, which may or may not cover the adoptive homestudy, which costs another $1500.00.  

    I hope you and the right child get connected.  Adoption can be a wonderful experience.

  5. We adopted two girls from Russia about 2 years ago.  The total cost was about $25k.  However, with the federal adoption credit we will get almost all of this money back!

    Altough it has been hard at times, we are happy that we adopted.

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