
How much does it cost to adopt?

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from the u.s




  1. if come 2 the uk u get paid 2 adopt u dont av 2 pay ova er

  2. I think it's on sale at Wal-Mart this week.

  3. Depending on what state you adopt from anywhere from $10,000-25,000 total.

  4. The costs for a domestic adoption varies from almost $0 - $50,000.

    If you choose to adopt a child from foster care, the cost is virtually nothing because the state will arrange for a home study, classes, placement, etc. You may have to pay for criminal background checks and medical clearances.  You will definitely have to pay for furnishings for the child.

    With any other adoptions be it independent or through a private agency, you would have to pay either the attorney handling the independent adoption or agency costs.

    Some of the fees of adoption are for:

    the home study

    criminal background check

    doctor appointments for medical clearances

    post-placement supervision

    travel expenses

    medical expenses for the birth mother (if permitted by your state)

    legal fees & court costs

    Range of Adoption Costs

    Foster Care Adoptions $0 - $2,500

    Licensed Private Agency Adoptions $5,000 - $40,000+

    Independent Adoptions $8,000 - $40,000+

    Facilitated/Unlicensed Adoptions $5,000 - $40,000+

    Intercountry Adoptions $7,000 - $30,000


  5. There are so many factors that determine the costs (I have included information from our adoption):

    Home study (1,000)

    Attorney fees ( about $7,000 each [two attorneys])

    Medical costs (our birth mom had Medicare, so there were none, but these can typically range from 2,000 - 11,000)

    Advertising for attorney's offices (1,000 - 3,000)

    Mail, Phone, Fax (500 per office)

    Lost wages to birth mom (typically 1,000 to 12,000 depending upon the occupation)

    Nanny fees (500 -1,000)

    Counseling for birth mom (0 to 1,800 depending upon how much is used)

    Then, add any costs associated with travel to pick up the child, including hotel stays while you wait for paperwork to be finalized. Also, add costs for furniture, clothes, diapers, etc. that will be needed for the child to come home to.

  6. Foster care: free or nearly free. If you adopt a special needs child, some states will also give you a subsidy to help care for the child's needs.

    Newborn adoption in which a mom "voluntarily" terminates her own rights: $15,000 to $50,000, with the average being $20,000 or so, depending which agency/attorney you use. Serious ethical concerns in this type of adoption, so if you pursue it, please do a ton of research first.

  7. Here in Australia local adoption costs about 600 dollars but the waiting list is looong, and the speedier but more complicated adoption from overseas costs 10 - 20K which can include plane fares and a gift for the country you chose to adopt from as well as all the other legal expenses. The upside is the average time is about six months before you get your baby and not a few years. My hubby and I were looking into adopting too when we fell pregnant naturally but I still think I might try to adopt one day.

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