
How much does it cost to be homeschooled?

by Guest62321  |  earlier

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I'm struggleing in highschool so I am considering enrolling into an online home schooling program instead of your standerd highschool. Can anyone tell me the costs? Like how much per class and an over all total for a years worth of classes? If it helps I am living in Michigan, which also I would like to know if it matters where you live to do an online education program?

Any help appreciated!




  1. I'm homeschooled and I use A-beka homeschool program. You can buy the books and if you want, you can get video programs for each subject, I have spanish dvd's from A-beka and it's very helpful. If your intrested here's a link

    Hope that helps, and good luck! I'm a juinor and have been homeschoooling my whole life! :) If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me!

  2. Like I said EVERYTHING is free in Agora. Agora rocks! I love it! lol!


    p.s. it all depends on which one you pick though

  3. There are free online education programs (K12, Inc. and Connections Academy) which are not traditional homeschooling--rather public school at home.  However, I did not find these options available in the state of Michigan.

    Following is the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) information on how to legally homeschool in Michigan:

    The HSLDA site also has other information on how to get started in homeschooling.

    There are private online homeschooling programs which usually are not inexpensive.  However, there are also correspondence schools through which you can obtain a high school diploma. is a site that offers a free GED prep course that will also prepare you to enter a community college.  Although you want a high school diploma--not a GED, you could study the information on the site and use it as curriculum for a high school diploma.  Following is the link:

    Michigan is an easy state to homeschool in, and your parents can create a curriculum for you to use.  The library and thrift stores are an excellent source for homeschool textbooks.

    Following is information from the Michigan Board of Education on non-public schools:,1607,7-140...

    In Michigan, home schools are considered to be non-public schools.  In the state of Michigan, home schooled students can join band, take PE, etc. at school if they want to do so.

    I hope the above information is helpful.

  4. It costs more than it's worth.  If you can't do school work in a resident course then you don't have the personal discipline to do an online course.

  5. It depends! I'm homeschooled and my parents payed $150 per semester this year. In years past i have used a different type of cirriculum called ABeka. It comes from Pensecola, FL. I really enjoyed it. My parents weren't my teachers; instead i watched pre-recorded classes on DVDs from the school in florida. If it's something you want to do, then go for it!!!!!!!!! It's worth getting a good education!

  6. Traditional homeschool need not cost much at all if you have a good library nearby.

  7. The cost depends on what approach and program you will use.

    In Michigan, you can check the programs and groups here:

    Usually, online courses are not considered fully homeschooled, because you follow a program, have assignments and a time-schedule and tests. You will also get a certificate/diploma.

    In some states/provinces the online high school courses are free (like where I live). They need that you show you live in that area to provide the service. Some will let you enter the program but if you are not a resident of that province/state you will need to pay a fee.

    I would suggest you write or call the support groups listed on the link I sent. They should know about the opportinities in your area.

    Good luck

  8. Homeschool  is an investment of time, not money.  

    You can check with correspondent schools  for their prices.

  9. I'm not sure of the cost though please do steer clear from penn foster and stratford career as they have many complaints posted at this site: and can search 'penn foster' or such.  The school should be Regionally accredited as opposed to just nationally.

    I would recommend really thinking about this before withdrawing from high school as you may just need extra academic support.  I believe that all public schools have a 'child study team' that usually includes a school social worker, school psychologist, learning disabilities teacher consultant (ldtc) and a couple others.  They can do an evaluation and assessment of one's current academic level to see if he or she needs more remedial classes that move at a slower pace and/or that have fewer students.  That may be a more viable option for you.  Your guidance counselor can perhaps refer you to that department.

  10. It depends on the way you wish to approach it, there are some private schools that people homeschool through, and there are chartered homeschools, where the state funds it and your in charge to report to someone from that organization what learning has been done and what standards met, just like a public school in that aspect, the only thing you pay with is time :) For online there's one called Laurel Springs that's international( and personalized learning). If you went of and did homeschooling on your own then you'd be paying for all of the resources, text books etc. but which ever you approach it's worth it!

  11. Costs vary with method used and can be as low as $50 or as high as several thousand.

  12. i go to a online school called connectionsacademy and it costs nothing.

    i dont even belive that the books cost anything either.

    check this website out.

    its an online school that has real classmates, real teachers and easy corriculum and alot of the time you only have 3 classes to do a day.

  13. It all depends on the program.  If you're talking about an online program, they will have a set amount for tuition, fees, books, test evaluation etc. and it can get quite expensive.

    A more traditional homeschool program will simply require the purchasing of the materials, but there would be no online support.

    Where you live is generally not a factor.  The first consideration is whether you are seeking a secular or religious program.

    Here is a good information site:

    Jon's Homeschool Resources

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