
How much does it cost to buy a car in ireland?& whats the avg fuel expenses?& can a student get a car leased?

by  |  earlier

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i'm moving to ireland in feb as a student




  1. its very expensive to buy a car here - basically dont do it - the same car in UK would be around 3/4 grand cheaper !!!!!!!!!! there is also a very high risk of being bashed by a car from another country with no or little insurance and the drivers dont seem to know the rules of the road - so if i was you save your money - go to college and then go buy yourself a cool car back home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Car prices vary from very cheap (a few hundred) to very expensive (hundreds of thousands). The price of the actual car is not the problem here, it is the cost of "driving."Firstly  just to have the car legally on the road you must pay for insurance, tax NCTs and of course petrol.

    Car insurance costs are absolutely outrageous in this country as insurance companies have colluded in order to keep such high prices.  Prices discriminate against young drivers especially male drivers.  For example a (male) friend of mine who is 21 with three years driving experience on a full licence was quoted insurance of €3,500 for the year.(and the car was only worth €2,500!!)  It is pure robbery. Some insurance companies do however have "deals" for clean licences etc, but I don't know if that appiles to non Irish citizens just entering the country.

    The next expense (robbery!) is tax. Cars must be taxed as this, along with insurance discs, are what the gardai check at their numerous random checkpoints especially in Dublin.  As far as I know the amount of tax you will pay depends on the car. For example my tax is €280 per year on a ten year old car!!

    The NCT stands for the national road test. All cars must pass this test in order to legally be allowed on the road.  On a new car the NCT is carried out after the first 4 years and then every two years after that.  So if you get a car that is more than 4years old, you have take the test every two years.  As crazy as it is YOU have to pay for this test even though the Government make it compulsary. The cost of this is €49 and €27.50 for a retest i.e if your car fails the first time round.  Bear in mind that the car can fail for the slightest imperfection.  I have not come accross any of my friends who have passed the first time round.  This causes you to have to fork out huge mechanic costs.  In my opinion the NCT is an absolute sham. It is designed for rich people who can afford to upgrade their cars every few years. Like if there is something wrong with your car you will know about it and get it fixed, you dont need top pay €70 plus garage costs to fix the water squirter for your windshield!My advice though is if you are buying a second hand car here make sure it has RECENTLY passed the NCT!!

    Finally petrol prices are pretty high in this country aswell.  The average price at the moment is about one euro a litre.  However there are also cheaper (and dearer) garages so my advise is to always take your custom to these because if people weren't so ignorant they would realise if no one buys petrol form the rip off garages they will HAVE to take their prices down. So to those people, STOP buying petrol from them and then complaining about how expensive it is!!

    Apologies for the 3 page essay but that really is how much it costs to drive in this country. It's an absolute sham! Good luck with it anyway and I hope you enjoy your stay in our beautiful country!


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