
How much does it cost to call costa rica from the U.S.?

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for each minute from a household phone




  1. It depends on your Long Distance plan.... anywhere from $0.50/minute to several dollars per minute.

    Unfortunately, VOIP services, such as Yahoo VOIP, Vonage, Skype, and similar services are not available and actually illegal in Costa Rica.... ICE (the phone company) has total control over the phone service, and they are not allowing competition... mostly because they need the revenue to build out the phone network in remote areas, which is reasonable I suppose.

    I tried calling Costa Rica from my VONAGE phone in the USA and that would not even work... both ends have to be land lines or cell phones.

  2. If you have internet access, you can use a program called Skype (download it for free on and then add funds to it so you can call computer to phone.  A call from the U.S. to Costa Rica will cost around 5 cents per minute.

    If the person in Costa Rica also has skype on his/her computer, then you can talk for free for as long as you want.

  3. buy a 5.00 calling card, and it costs...........5.00 and you dont have to worry........

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