
How much does it cost to drill your own property to see if theres oil?

by Guest11056  |  earlier

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wow i learned something today kamnet thanks...




  1. It costs a lot of money. But the real question is, do you own the mineral rights to your property? If you don't know, then most likely you do not. In most instances, the state where you live retains the mineral rights underneath your property, if they've not already sold those rights to another individual or company for development.

  2. In Warren, Pa., USA, almost every large property has an oil pumper going, if not many at once.  United Refining is located here.  However, go figure that the gas stations in town where this industry lives is higher than that delivered to outskirts.  Go figure that although property owners get "royalties" from their wells, the owner is responsible for well mtce., and any property damage because of them, and it is not near equivelant to what they spend in health maintenance...Warren is 75% environmentally diabetic, and are rendered to one type of cancer or another.  So, I guess the cost is what you place on the price of life itself.  Also, the EPA became exhausted having to fine this company for excessive toxic dumping into the Allegheny River, so they upped their percentages instead...only outsiders eat the fish they catch downstream from this refinery, bacause they don't know any better.

    This little town is one of sooo many across our country.  The US is quite well resourced to supply it's own demands of oil, but the masses keep supporting governement & corporate structures that continue to import by buying from Exxon, Mobile, and the other biggies who purchase those imports, making local buyers keep their prices just as high, because local oil manufacturers are making even bigger profits keeping their prices up with's an ignorant consumer thing.

    Go figure, too, that there are also technologies that would make oil use as fossil fuel, and totally unnecessary, but our higher echelons haven't found them to be as power enhancing or profitable to date...and until such time, they will remain in "clandestined research" storage.

    Good Journey!!!

  3. about $6.95

  4. Alot, oil is far down. Its not like going to get a drill from the local hardware store.

  5. Call the closest State Collage and ask if the geology department would do a oil survey as part of the class on your property. I have seen this done before.



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