
How much does it cost to fill up the new honda hydrogen fuel cell car (FCX Clarity)?

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How much does it cost to fill up the new honda hydrogen fuel cell car (FCX Clarity)?




  1. Honda won't say yet, but heres a guess.  gasoline sells for $25/ MMBTU.  Natural gas sell for $18/MMBTU.  For every BTU of natural gas put into the H2 generator, you'll get 0.5 BTU.  So, H2 will cost $40/mmbtu or 170% the price of gasoline.  The good news, you'll get about 200% more miles per btu.  Net, your fuel bill will drop 15% or $25/month, but your lease payment will be $200 more per month over a new lincolin continental.  

    Your choice now, oh, you'll lower pollution by 15% for yor $175/month cost, remember the honda burns dirty sulphur spiked natural gas.

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