
How much does it cost to for a work visa for an American to work in Austria?

by Guest66885  |  earlier

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I am wondering how much it would cost to secure a work visa for Austria. I have attempted looking this up, but as yet have not come up with an answer.

Please give me any details you may have as to how to find out, and what other services will be required. Things such as how much it would cost to have the application translated into German, etc.

I have been told it would cost a certain amount, which seems to be a rather high number and I am just trying to get information to find out if this place is trying to rip me off or if it really does cost that much. If so, it is an awful lot more than it is for other countries!!

Please tell me all you can about this situation -- please don't just say to ask the consulate -- I need details.

Thank you for any help you are able to give.




  1. There are two possible (legal) ways for a non-EU citizen to work in Austria:

    1) As the direct employee of an Austrian company; and 2) As the employee of a foreign company that is providing services to an Austrian company.

    There is no such thing as a work visa in Austria.  First you need a work permit, through the labor department (AMS - Arbeitsmarktservice), and then you must apply for a residence visa (Type D) through an Austrian embassy/consulate in the US.  The cost for the residence visa is approximately 100 Euros.

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