
How much does it cost to form an LLC in Nevada? Series versus Traditional?

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I have one company that says that the state of Nevada front-loads it's filing fees, and that it costs over $2500 for a "Series LLC", but when I look online at some of the (many) other companies that offer the corporation/LLC filing service, I don't see anything about a "Series" LLC, and the Nevada state fees that they list are Nevada Formation Filing Fee ($75.00), Nevada Expediting Fee ($125.00) and Nevada Certified Copy Fee ($30.00). What's the scoop? Any advice?




  1. You know the fee of 2500 sounds very high. I am located in Delaware and the fees here are around 500. I think that the company is just trying to make a profit and a huge one for that regard.

    BTW- dont open a tradition company, b/c there are to many requirement and if you dont fulfill them, the corporation can be pierced and you will be held personally liable then. Where ever you incorpate, go for the LLC, espeically due to tax benefits where you can pay tax at individual tax rate.

  2. The state fee for LLC formation is $75, cert. copy $30, expedite fee is $125. The rest depends who does the paperwork. You can do it yourself = FREE. You can hire company who will does that for $89 (see link below) or lawyer who will do it for $2,000-$5,000. There is nothing like Series LLC in Nevada.

    Also regarding the issue of piercing corporate veil. You don't have to worry with LLC. LLC doesn't require any annual meetings (opposing to C corporation).

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