
How much does it cost to get a legal letter signed with an attorney for taking over payments of a firends car?

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How much does it cost to get a legal letter signed with an attorney for taking over payments of a firends car?




  1. oh, about $50.  But why in the world would you want to pay for someone else's car?  They still own the car!  They can't "presell" you a car if they don't have a title, and the loan isn't transferrable without the permission of the lender.  

    You have EVERYTHING to lose, and nothing to gain.  If this person dies, their next of kin gets to keep this car, that YOU PAID FOR~!

    Bad idea.

  2. Most loan companies will not allow "taking over payments" If they do allow it, they will  have to be the ones to tell you what may be required.  See them first.

  3. not much, I may say between 10 to 30 bucks.

    Good luck with the payments loooooooool, just kiding.


  4. Um, you can't just get a letter from a lawyer and take over the payments on a car and it's yours.  It doesn't work that way.  Your friend has a car that is financed by a bank or another company, and he or she has to pay off that loan before the car can be sold to you.  You would have to get a loan for the car yourself, and then your finance company would pay your friend's finance company directly.

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