
How much does it cost to get a passport to Sicily,Italy?

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How much does it cost to get a passport to Sicily,Italy?




  1. Your local US Post Office has all the information you'll need to get a pass port. You won't need anything but a passport to come to italy. Remember that it may take 2 weeks pluss to get your US Passport unless you go to DC to get it.

  2. Answer about the passport:  It generally costs about $99 (US).  If you travel outside the U.S., you may need a visa for that particular country placed in the passport.  I suggest that you contact the nearest foreign country's embassy or consulate here in the U.S. and ask if a visa is required; if so, go to that consulate/embassy and get the visa placed in your passport.  (Most visas are free.)  Enjoy your overseas visits with your new passport.   Regards; JIMD

  3. A passport costs the same no matter where you go with it.  If you are a U.S. citiizen age 16 or older it will cost $97. If you are under the age of 16 it will cost you $82. If you are renewing your passport it is $67.  If you want to expedite the service to get your passport sooner it is an additional $60. If you don't bring in your own passport photo it is an additional $15 per photo. Bring cash or a check with you because the notary will send everything in with a money order.  You will also need to bring identification. If you bring your birth certificate or an old passport they send it in so you can get your passport and they return it to you with your new passport.  It ended up costing me about $175 for everything and getting it all expedited.

  4. Sicily is a lovely place and you do not need any different passport than your normal U.S. passport.  The passport is associated with the country you are coming _from_, not the country you are going _to_.  Perhaps you are thinking of a travel "visa".  A visa is issued by the country you are going to if they want to limit your stay.  In this case, Sicily is legally part of Italy (although semi-autonomous) and travel to Italy, for Americans, does not require a travel visa as long as you do not intend to take work of any sort and are just a tourist.

  5. Passports cost the same no matter where you are going. They are an identification document. Period. End of statement.

    It doesn't matter if you are going next door or around the globe, your passport will cost the same. But your travel ticket will certainly vary!

  6. A passport is a passport and you don't need a special one to go to Sicily-just a regular passport. If you are talking about a U.S. passport, it costs $67, but don't buy into the "execution fee" Just fill out the application yourself and mail it in and then you will save the $30 bucks. But just know that the back-up wait for passports is at least three months, so you can forget about going anywhere this summer-unless you pay a lot extra to get it expediated and even then it will take quite a bit of time.

  7. It's about $120.

  8. Depends on your age.

    Age 16 and older: The passport application fee is $67. The execution fee is $30. The total is $97 .

    Under Age 16: The passport application fee is $52. The execution fee is $30. The total is $82 .

  9. Passports cost the same regardless of destination. Fees are Non-Refundable.

    Age 16 and older: The passport application fee is $67. The execution fee is $30. The total is $97 .

    Under Age 16: The passport application fee is $52. The execution fee is $30. The total is $82 .

    The passport application fee includes the $12.00 Security Surcharge, which became effective March 8, 2005.

    Expedited Service - Add $60 for each application

  10. A passport cost the same no matter where you go, if you are a US citizen. This site allows you to print the application form from home and fill it out. The you have to find a place that will take the application, it should tell you that on the site too. Any other passport concerns should be able to be answered from this site.

  11. Getting a passport to Sicily, is the same as any other passport.  There is only one Passport.  You have to get it from your local post office, or ask them if there is another location where they do them.  I think you can fill out the forms on line (just look up passport info on the web).  There are a lot of agencies that charge a fee so you can use their forms and then they mail them for you.  Save that money and just go to the post office and ge them forms there.  They take you picture there too.  I think the whole thing costs about $50.

  12. Probably you mean "how much for a VISA to Italy" and I dont know. I dont live in US. Get to check this out at the nearest italian consulate, suppose, of course, you are not a Don Corleone´s guests when you would pay nothing...

  13. As everyone has stated a passport is a passport, and it is good for 10 years and is now required to travel to just about anywhere in the world outside of the USA.  You may be referring to a VISA.  US citizens are often not required to have a VISA to enter many countries (North and South America, Mexico, Europe, Australia, New Zeland) as a tourist, and if the visit is less than 90 days.  However, many countries outside of those places require a Visa and the fees for visa can vary, but in my experience they cost about $100.00.  Many Asian countries (India, Nepal, etc), and African Countries require a VISA, and some also require an exit tax.  I have been told by some of the natives of those Asian and African countries they charge US citizens because we charge them for Visa's when entering the US, and in many cases it is a way for poor countries to earn revenue off of the "Wealthy Americans."  The US requires VISAs for a totally different reason.  So for your trip to Italy just get a passport, and remember to make a photo copy and take an extra copy with you in case your passport is lost or stolen. Having the copy can help speed up the process if something happens to your orginal.  

       Due to the new requirements for US citizents travelling to Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean passports are now required for those destinations, where as in the past you only need a form of ID (Birth Certificat, Diver's Lic).  But due to the backlog the requirement has been extended.  

    By the way you can not just go to DC and get a passport you must file an application.

  14. Passports are the same price no matter where you go. Age 16 and older: The passport application fee is $67. The execution fee is $30. The total is $97 .

    Under Age 16: The passport application fee is $52. The execution fee is $30. The total is $82 .

    The passport application fee includes the $12.00 Security Surcharge, which became effective March 8, 2005.

    Go go to get all the infor and the application. If you need a visa for a country because you are going to stay for more than 90 days that may cost you more. The website even tells you how to get an Italian visa is you need to get one.

  15. a passport is a passport -- Sicily is an island off the south tip of main land Italy.  No passport needed - its like going to the Keys in FLA - its just another section. no customs required if traveling from mainland Italy

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