
How much does it cost to get a vet out for a horse?

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I may be buying a horse so this information would be really helpful!!

thank-you x




  1. Im not sure but i think our vet out for a pony i was tring was like 450 i dont really remember

    it coulda been 250 im not sure

    and plus, it depends on your vet

  2. With our old vet, they only charged 20 dollars per visit plus the cost of any medicine or things they had to do!

    Hope I helped!

  3. They usually charge a fee from $30 to $60 then plus whatever treatment is involved. Horse insurence is about 200 starting for me but I get colic surgery covered so I pay about 500 a year for insurance. they charge a % of what yourt horse is worth

  4. UK or USA ?

    Standard call out is £30 then whatever treatment he does.

    Callout is more on Bank Holidays, Weekends and after hours.

    Insurance starts at around £10 a month and goes up according to what sort of cover you want - shop around for the best deal that suits your needs.

  5. I am not sure but one thing is it depends on what vet, what problem, and if they come to your house. I would pay a little extra for a good vet though.

  6. Well with yearly vactionations, that alone is $350.00 or more. I remeber when my horse had colic it was over $3,000.00 dollars just for one visit. It really can get pricey when your horse needs the vet for something other than yearly stuff. I had one horse that we barley but any money into with the vet, an another who cost us over $10,000.00 in one year! Then you have to think about farier work eery six to eight weeks for an average of $100.00 for trimming. Soooo, it can get preeeeettty spendy, thats why i bored my horse at a stabel now, saves us lots of money and annoying time cleaning up after em! haha.

  7. My vet is charges a $25 farm visit fee, and then shots for my horses cost about $400 total (I am pretty sure).  Farrier is generally between $30 and $45 per horse, depending on whether you get shoes or a trim.

  8. You mean for yearly shots? That is the only time I have needed my vet so far. She is about $80 to come out and give the spring shots. Every couple years you get the teeth floated - about $300. You can buy insurance for a horse for about $125 a year and it covers up to $3-4000 for colic surgery. If you have a breed of horse prone to it - get it.

    Farrier is about $40 a horse 3-4 times a year for me. I dont shoe - just trims. These are California estimates which are probably high!

    NOTE: When I used to board my horses there were a lot of big warmbloods there that were getting hurt (cut) all the time. Big bucks. The quarter horses got colic all the time. More big bucks. Get a mellow Arab - natural horses are healthier. Arabs tend not to push on fences, destroy things, and they tend not to do stupid things (except see invisible ghosts occasionally!!). Get a breed that is healthy and easy to keep is what I mean - that will keep your costs down. Good fencing is essential too.

  9. It really depends on where you live. I don't think anyone can give you an accurate ammount on this. I read here where some pay $45 and where others pay $150. It also depends on the vet you choose. If they are a small operation they may charge different than those who are associated with a large equine facility. I would call some of the local equine vets in your area and ask them what they charge for a farm visit. But it would also have to include what they do when they come. Since you don't have a horse yet, it is impossible to know. But you still could call some of your local vets and ask then what is the cost just for the trip fee.

  10. The best way for you to find that out is to call the equine vets in your area.  Ask what the fee is for coming to your property, and for each service you wish to know about.  for example, vaccinations, floating of teeth, sheath cleaning if you need it for your gelding, any emergency call fees, etc.  If you have an equine clinic in your area, you can also find out what hospitalization of your horse would cost, and if you won't have your own horse trailer, check with equine transporters for their fees.

    Always have an emergency transportation plan in case your horse needs it in the middle of the night, etc.

  11. i have 2 horses myself. and for a vet to come to your house it cost the gas to come to your house, the meds for the horse, and it really depends on what you need a vet for....

  12. It totally depends on the situation and the distance of your house from the clinic. Also whether it is in office hours or after hours. With our vet we pay $45 for just the farm call plus mileage from where ever he's at (or the clinic whichever is closest). Then after he arrives he charges individually for each thing he does, exam, injection ect. With vets I've saw some charge for the actual medicine then another charge for them admistering it.

    Also if it is after hours or on weekend he charges a $75 Emergency Call fee instead of the standard farm call fee. Again each thing is charges individually.

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