
How much does it cost to get my bike brakes fixed?

by  |  earlier

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I was trying to fix my bike brakes at home when the rear bake can't push back and now my back tire can move so i can't ride it. Any help?




  1. about 15 dollars

  2. same thing happened to me cost me $35

  3. Should cost around £10 bike shops vary shop to shop

  4. First try to seep oil into the cable housing and pulling the brakes.Maybe it will come loose.


    Hang outside a bike shop and wait for a group of riders to enter then ask one of them.

    Free ,but perhaps you might want to buy them a coffee if they can help.

    If they cannot help you then go inside the shop and ask someone there.Your brake pad is perhaps stuck under the tire close to the rim[easy fix] or your cable has a fray inside the line or at the exit of the housing.Or perhaps its so rusty inside you just need a new cable or some oil on it.

    A problem cost as much as it costs.We don't know why the brake is not working so we can not truly say how much.

    Good luck

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