
How much does it cost to get your teeth professionally whitened?

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I live in Canada. Thanks!




  1. Many are choosing professional teeth whitening, having it done by their dentist, as the best possible option. This is more expensive but guarantees a safe, fast and expertly done process that will result in evenly done white teeth.  

    The process is done faster by a dentist; who can whiten your teeth using a process that takes forty five minutes to complete. This process is done in three fifteen minute sessions. By the end of the forty five minutes the dentist will have whitened their patient’s teeth by eight to ten shades. Depending on how stained the patient’s teeth are this will be a substantial improvement. These benefits and more are what a patient gets by getting their treatment at their dentist’s office.

    The dentist will use a gel that is put on the patient’s teeth. There is protection provided to the gums and lips so that the gel will not adversely affect them. As well, unlike the at home kits that can be used, if a person has the treatment done in the dentist’s office they will see results immediately. When they leave the dentist’s office their teeth will be whiter. At home kits take days and sometimes even weeks to complete the treatment process and so show their results slowly.

    For other effective teeth whitening solutions, you may wish to read about them here :

  2. 200 to 350 dollars us

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