
How much does it cost to get your well water tested?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking into renting a house. but he said that the well water had never been tested that we'd have to have water brought in to drink...this sounds pricey...




  1. Hi,

    I had a well at the bottom of my garden.  I got in touch with the local authorities who sent over a guy in a van who tested the water there and then.

    He then told me it was not suitable for drinking and they sealed it.  Great!!  Cant even throw stones down in now.

    It might be different depending on where you are.  But i hope this helps.


  2. I have a well on a rental.    I would be in serious trouble if it were sealed.....there is no other water.

    My city water department lets me bring in a sample once a year, it is free.

    The water is both safe and really delicious, I wish I had it in the house I live in.   City water is gross.

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