
How much does it cost to go on a trip to Paris, France for two people?

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What exciting things are there to do for couples besides going to the Effiel Tower?




  1. This depends, of course, on a lot of variables.

    You can get a hotel room for two in Paris for as little as 50ε at the Hotel Tiquetonne (a backpackers favorite)  or as much as 750ε  at the Hotel Crillon (a world famous luxury hotel).  A more reasonable estimate would be something in the 100-125ε range.

    You can have a crepe with ham and cheese from a street stand for 5ε or dinner at the famous palace of gastronomy, La Tour D'Argent (the name can be translated as "tower of Money") for 250ε. A more reasonable estimate for a nice dinner in a sit down restaurant would be 35-40ε per person.

    Paris has a lot of nightlife, some of it geared to people who have unlimited expense accounts. If you avoid these moneypits there are lots of wonderful music venues and convivial bars and cafes where you can spend the evening for the price of a glass of wine or two.

    Aside from airfare, I (and my companion) spent a bit more than 200ε a day for everything in spring 2006 and are budgeting  250e a day for our next trip this fall. (Mind you. I'm a notorius tightwad)

  2. Airplane or swim?

    Swimmings cheaper but slower.

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